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Forested recreation in the heart of the Triangle 

400 Feet Down Documentary

Misguided Authority & the Fight to #StopRDUQuarry

Seen the Stop RDU Quarry signs around town? Wondering what it’s all about? What if there was a movie that explained all of it?

Two non-profits, a local homeowner and resident of Raleigh, are standing against a backroom deal to give away our public lands to a stone quarry. With litigation and court dates getting closer for them…time is of the essence for the public to become informed about how the “lease” of the Odd Fellows Tract affects our entire RDU community, greenways, Umstead State Park and Crabtree Creek.

There is much more to this true story than a simple business arrangement between RDU Airport and Wake Stone Quarry.

400 Feet Down: Misguided Authority and the Fight to #stoprduquarry”will tell this story.

Produced by filmmaker, Charles Morris. See more archives at 400FeetDown.com.


We are a coalition of residents, organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs working towards preserving Lake Crabtree County Park, protecting Umstead State Park, and preserving the forested corridor that connects them.