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The Umstead Coalition 
Celebrating Umstead State Park since 1934!

Sunset Clause Trial June 18, 19, 20, 2024

  • 06/18/2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 06/20/2024
  • 5:00 PM
  • 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh, 27609


Registration is closed

YES!  We finally get to have our case heard on the merits - after six hard years, we prevailed to have our case heard!

Dates and place:  Tuesday, June 18, Wednesday, June 19, Thursday, June 20 from 9am-5pm (typically there is a 2 hour lunch break).  Most likely also June 25.

N. C. Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
1711 New Hope Church Road
Raleigh, NC 27609

Courtroom A

Two-story brick building with plenty of free parking

Logistics:  For the 9am trail start, arrive at 8:30am to show ID, sign-in and go through a  security check to be ready for a 9am start.  Sit in the section behind the Umstead Coalition attorneys (likely on the right).

Public is welcome and we would LOVE, LOVE supporters in the courtroom.   

You may enter and leave if you need, but be quiet - no talking or noises during court. Even if you can only come for a couple hours one of the days, that will make a difference!

During the hearing there will be 10 minute breaks at which time the attorneys and their clients (in our case a couple key Umstead Coalition folks) will retreat to conferences rooms (also a good time to go to the bathroom).  You can just hang out in the courtroom or area until the trial resumes. Computers are allowed, but no recordings in the courtroom are allowed (same as any court). 

The Umstead Coalition

We are a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the natural integrity of William B. Umstead State Park and the Richland Creek Corridor.


The Umstead Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.