View below for the Umstead Coalition's Public Hearing Comments on the FY21-22 RDUAA Budget submitted on March 11, 2021.
To: Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority (RDUAA) Board Members
Re: 2021-2022 RDUAA Budget, Public Hearing Public Comments
Thank you for representing our community on the RDUAA Board and your service to improve the Raleigh-Durham International Airport as a vital partner. Your consideration of Public Comments regarding the draft Budget in advance of Board approval is appreciated.
The Umstead Coalition is focused upon serving and protecting William B. Umstead State Park. William B. Umstead State Park was established in 1934 and is one of most visited NC State Parks, many of which access the Park via the Old Reedy Creek Road Recreational corridor that connects Lake Crabtree County Park to William B. Umstead State Park. Like the airport, William B. Umstead State Park is a great community asset.
William B. Umstead State Park and the Raleigh-Durham International Airport share 6.2 miles of common boundary. Storm water from the entire airport drains directly or indirectly (through Brier Creek and Lake Crabtree) into William B. Umstead State Park. The extent of our shared property boundary and environmental sensitive issues has sometimes caused controversy, but also can and has led to opportunities.
When all the stakeholders have worked together in the past, the airport, the Park, and its connected Parks and greenways have thrived. That enables an environment that attracts and retains employers, employees, and visitors, which in turn lends to an enhanced economic environment for our communities to grow and prosper.
Please accept these Public Comments in the vein of trying to improve the airport and its ability to be a good neighbor and community partner. Please consider the following suggestions in your deliberations of your budget decisions.
View a PDF of the Umstead Coalition's full public comments to RDUAA>>
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