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The Umstead Coalition 
Celebrating Umstead State Park since 1934!

New RDU Quarry Renderings Confirm Devastating Impact to Umstead State Park & Crabtree Creek

12/03/2021 12:05 PM | Anonymous

The Umstead Coalition has contracted with StructionLab  to create models and renderings,  true to topographic scale, to show the devastating impact of RDU Quarry on Umstead State Park and Crabtree Creek. The renderings have sliders to show a before and after view, along with the Wake Stone site plan in each image.

In Wake Stone's responses to the Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) requests for additional information, Wake Stone does not reflect the real impact of the proposed project, as they do not show the proposed quarry impacts. Wake Stone's response is misleading because the natural undisturbed forest and natural topography remains visible in their renderings.

Our renderings and presentation were created by StructionLab, using actual topography of the site. Their work shows a before and after view, and shows the Wake Stone site plan included in each image. The images are to scale and respectful of the topography. The actual trees are conceptual as there is not current capability to render actual trees. Read our full public comment submission to DEQ-Mining here>>

View the renderings here>> 

Rendering Descriptions

  1. Wake Stone's RDU Quarry Site Plan
  2. This is the before and after view of the Odd Fellows Tract from Umstead State Park. Quarry operations will be visible from the Park. The bridge that will cross Crabtree Creek can be seen in the middle of the image. Everything is to scale.
  3. This is a bird's eye before and after view of the Odd Fellows Tract. Note the proximity of the quarry to Crabtree Creek and Foxcroft Lake. You can also see the bridge that will cross Crabtree Creek.
  4.  This is another before and after view of the Odd Fellows Tract from Umstead State Park. Note the concrete wall adjacent to Foxcroft Lake and the fence that will cross the lake.
  5. This is a bird's eye before and after view of RDU Quarry. You can see the Town of Cary Water Treatment Plant in the upper left of the image and I40 across the top.
  6. This is a before and after view of the Odd Fellows Tract from Old Reedy Creek Multi-Use Trail, which is also part of the East Coast Greenway. The concrete wall will be 16-24 feet tall and there will be a road for the quarry trucks directly alongside it. 
  7. This is a bird's eye before and after view of the Odd Fellows Tract taken from behind Old Reedy Creek Multi-Use Trail (the East Coast Greenway). The East Coast Greenway is the trail at the bottom of the image. I40 can be clearly seen on the right along with the Town of Cary Water Treatment Plant. Note the proximity of the quarry to Crabtree Creek, highlighted in blue. 

The Umstead Coalition

We are a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the natural integrity of William B. Umstead State Park and the Richland Creek Corridor.


The Umstead Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.