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The Umstead Coalition 
Celebrating Umstead State Park since 1934!

Wake Stone Public Hearing Continuation

06/24/2020 12:06 PM | Anonymous

Raleigh, NC - Jun 24, 2020

The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) will continue the digital public hearing on a permit modification for Wake Stone Corporation on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 to accommodate pre-registered speakers.

Since the number of registered speakers exceeded the allotted time during the June 23 public hearing, the Division Director determined it necessary to hold a second day of the digital public hearing to receive comments on the application. Based on current guidance to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health, members of the public can participate online or listen via telephone.

The public is invited to participate online or listen by phone. Only previously registered speakers will have the opportunity to speak.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 9:00 a.m.

ONLINE: Cisco WebEx Link:

Meeting Number (Access Code): 617 499 551

Meeting Password: DEQ123

PHONE: (415) 655-0003        

Access code: 161 004 6542  

To submit public comment or obtain additional information concerning the hearing, email  or write:

                                    Judy Wehner

                                    Assistant State Mining Specialist

                                    Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources

                                    1612 Mail Service Center

                                    Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612

The proceedings will remain open for a period of ten days following the hearing for additional written arguments or statements ending on Friday, July 17, 2020.

DEQ will consider all public comments and other available information about the permit application before deciding whether to issue the final permit, deny the permit or issue it with amended conditions.

The application, public notice and proposed mine maps can be found at: https:


The Umstead Coalition

We are a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the natural integrity of William B. Umstead State Park and the Richland Creek Corridor.


The Umstead Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.