In July 2020, DEQ denied the Raleigh Durham Airport Authority’s (RDUAA’s) request for a Neuse Buffer permit for a new, unneeded fence. Now RDUAA is trying again to build their unnecessary fence! Please take action to prevent it (see below for link to send your email).
Tragically, RDUAA recently resubmitted their request to the NC Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to cross streams and wetlands with a chain-linked, barbed-wire fence, including 30ft of deforested swath along the border of William B. Umstead State Park and the crossings of Haley’s Branch. They still plan a patrol road along the fence. Insultingly, RDUAA still proposes to cut-off access to the popular Old Reedy Creek Multi-use Trail within Umstead State Park (and the East Coast Greenway and US1 Bike Route) by building this fence across the trail! DEQ denied the first time, DEQ should deny again.
Please use the link below to write an email asking DEQ to uphold denial of RDU Airport's fence proposal in order to protect not only the Umstead State Park, but also the Neuse River Buffer's streams and wetlands. Ask them to withdraw this request; it's an environmental tragedy. We’ve made an easy way to write one email and have it sent to RDUAA and local elected officials.
Submit your comments now>>
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