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The Umstead Coalition 
Celebrating Umstead State Park since 1934!

Rules & Waiver, Umstead Coalition Photo / Illustration Contest

Rules for Photos/Illustrations

  • Photos must have been taken in William B. Umstead State Park, either recently or in the past. Illustrations inspired by Park
  • Only digital entries will be accepted. 
  • Photos may be black-and-white or color, and will be judged together
  • Images must be submitted in JPG or TIF format at a minimum of 150 dpi (ideally 300 dpi for the printed image size of 11 inches on the short side). You can check the image resolution with most common photo viewers. Maximum file size is 20MB.
  • When sending a photo taken with a cell phone, it may be best to copy the photo directly to a computer and then send to avoid the phone’s software which often decreases resolution
  • Both amateur & professional photographers/illustrators are welcome to participate  Entries are judged on relevance to category, capturing the spirit of the Park, and image quality
  • Umstead Coalition Board members and their family members are not eligible to enter.  


Winning photos or illustrations will printed for display in the park’s Visitor Center in a temporary exhibit. The Umstead Coalition reserves the exclusive right to amend or revise these requirements. The Umstead Coalition or park staff are not responsible for the loss or damage of illustrations photos while on display. Photographers and illustrators will be credited for their work.

I warrant that my entry materials are original, do not infringe on any third party rights, and that any necessary permissions from any third party have been obtained (if a third party appears in the photograph). I hereby grant William B. Umstead State Park and/or The Umstead Coalition royalty-free license to the right to copy, distribute, publicly display or perform, and the right to create derivative works, as may be necessary to meet the needs of the Park or The Umstead Coalition. This agreement will apply to all photographs, illustrations and other submissions supplied by the participant for the photography or graphic contest and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled in writing by The Umstead Coalition or superseded by a subsequent agreement.

For any photo or illustration containing identifiable children age 17 and under, written permission must be obtained for The Umstead Coalition to utilize the submission.

The Umstead Coalition

We are a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the natural integrity of William B. Umstead State Park and the Richland Creek Corridor.


The Umstead Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.